Saturday, July 16, 2011

2012 - if you think it's the end of the world, you're an idiot.

if you're paranoid about the world ending, you are an idiot.


take a look at this:
it's the Mayan sun stone, the Mayan calendar.

now ask yourself, when they wound up the very first analogue clock, assuming they set it at 0:00, after 23hours, and lets say 45minutes, do you think they ran around screaming "THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN 15 MINUTES!"?


December 21st 2012 is the end of the 13th baktun and the beginning of the 1st baktun.

Friday, July 15, 2011


So this is a bit off topic with the whole misanthropy concept, but it's still free thought...

In a recent video i found, ex-canadian defence minister Paul Hellyer came out and said some pretty interesting things regarding ufo tech and otherworldly species.

Aside from mentioning that human beings are idiots for taking helpful advice as a threat,
He mentions the concept of a "displacement field" that surrounds the alien craft.

This got me thinking...
First, consider that if an aircraft were to make a pinpoint re-directional turn at a ridiculously high speed, the atomic structure of the pilot would be ripped to pieces due to the g-force of the inertia.
However, if the craft was comprised within a displacement field which repelled the surrounding matter, the pilot would not experience any inertia and no form of dampening would be required to make a pinpoint turn at even light speed. Also, the field would separate the craft from surrounding matter, making it unaffected by gravitational pull or resistance of any kind from the surrounding environment, essentially creating a zero-g vacuum "bubble" within a gravity-affected atmosphere.
Also, thanks to a friend for mentioning the idea that the large bulbous heads of our otherworldly friends could be from living in zero-g. (the lack of gravity allowing the fontanelle to stay open and the brain to keep growing)
This displacement technology would allow zero-g, or low-g habitation on any planet, allowing a species to live in even the harshest of environments without being affected by their surroundings.
Atomic particles have positive and negative charges, so subatomic, adaptive(to sub-atomically repel the right elements away)electromagnetic pulses could create this displacement field.

Also, on the topic of Alien visitors... Ive seen a lot of people saying that Zetas are evil because they don't feel emotions, and are completely impassive... How close minded could these people get? if Zeta Reticulans are indeed un-emotive, and unbiasedly impassive, then they are unaware of concepts of evil or good, and rather follow the balance of the universe, (yin&yang,newton's law of relativity) and this does NOT make them evil, try to perceive them from their point of view rather than from a human one, our emotions make us probably the most unstable species in the existence of everything.